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Finding Your New unNormal

How well do you adapt to change? Everyone has their own unique process for navigating through challenging times, and many live it unconsciously. When you become aware of your process it provides a roadmap to self-resource yourself through change quicker. Especially when the change is not what you wanted.

Recent events gave me the opportunity to practice my process, again and again. Unfortunately, this was not the first time I needed to adapt and navigate through change and I imagine it will not be the last. Every challenging experience allows me the opportunity to reflect, learn and continue to grow.

Although I could have done with a few less challenges and struggles in my life, they have all contributed to who I am today and for that, I am grateful. There is still more for me to learn, so I need to be prepared to face the future challenges that are going to come my way.

“Experience is what you get when you didn’t get want you wanted.” Randy Pausch

Over the years, I have worked with some incredibly resilient individuals. When they identified their unique process for adapting to change, they were able to move through their stages quicker, saving a lot of time and energy. Therefore creating more time to focus on what is important to them and creating a more meaningful life.

I invite you to join me on July 27th or October 26th at 1pm for an interactive online session, Finding Your New unNormal. In this session, we will discuss the 4 keys to building a resilient mindset where you will identify your unique process for navigating through change quicker, allowing you to create your new unNormal.

“This session was relevant and a valuable use of time. I didn’t know I had a process. Now knowing my process, I use it to help me move through change faster.” CWIF Program Participant, Finding Your New unNormal May 2020


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