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Discover the power of being authentically you.

What is Authentic Leadership?

Do you feel you are a different person at work vs. at home?

Are you trying to be the person you're expected to be, instead of who you really are?

Are you making choices based on ‘shoulds’?  


You are who you are based on your values and experiences. By uncovering your values, you gain insight into who you are and why you do what you do.


Your values define your unique leadership approach; being aware and grounded in your values allows you to choose your response, as opposed to reacting. As you become more conscious, you confidently make choices more aligned to your authentic leadership style. Authentic Leadership empowers you to confidently be your authentic self anywhere, anytime.

The goal is for you to be yourself in any setting and situation. From there, we identify goals that are aligned with your values, and explore tools and strategies to help you achieve success. 

You have the choice and power to create the life you want.
The Success Formula

My motto is: Awareness + Action = Achievement.  I believe you need both awareness and action to achieve your goals.  Action without awareness is misplaced effort, and awareness means nothing if you don’t take action!

The coaching journey begins with building awareness.

As you gain self-awareness, you gain the clarity and confidence to make choices more aligned with your values and what is meaningful to you. 

I believe you are who you are based on your values and the experiences you’ve had. Through a variety of proven assessment tools, you will uncover who you innately are and create and implement strategies for you to achieve your desired results.



Awareness means nothing if you don’t take action.


It’s like putting a destination address in your GPS then not putting the car in drive. You need both awareness and action to achieve your goals. Taking action without awareness is frustrating and confusing because you will never achieve the results you desire.


Taking action is all about owning it and moving forward.



Achievement is the result of becoming aware and taking action to obtain your goals. 


When you achieve your goals, it’s important to step back and celebrate them.


Applying this process consistently supports you in achieving your goals big or small, therefore becoming more effective and creating greater capacity for yourself and others. 

Authentic Leadership Programs

Leadership programs for inspired individuals and empowered teams.

Authentic Leadership Coaching

Become a visionary leader who knows how to make the changes needed to transform yourself and the people around you. This one-on-one Leadership Coaching program is designed to support individuals to live as confident, authentic leaders everyday.

Career Transition Coaching

Gain the awareness, clarity and confidence to make empowered choices to guide your career. This 3-month program supports you to create your next career opportunity, whether within your current organization or outside.

High Performance

Team Facilitation

Create a high performance team that is engaged, motivated and empowered with interactive sessions on topics like:

  • Authentic Leadership

  • Navigating Through Change

  • Influencing Others

Gain Your Edge
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Meet Jane

When I was in the corporate world, I had an executive coach.  He asked me the simple, and life altering question: "What life do you choose?"  Although I made decisions everyday, I never believed I had the choice to create the life I wanted. This inspired a lifelong mission to support others, so they can show up with the courage to be truly authentic, both professionally and personally. 

I'm proud to be able to create a safe place for authentic connections, transparent conversations, and increased self-awareness. As you gain greater understanding of yourself, you'll develop the clarity and confidence to move towards your goals, and become a more effective leader. 

It would be my privilege to help you find the answer to the question, ‘what life will you choose’?



Jane Gaynor provided me with the resources necessary to take a proper assessment of my family, business, personal, spiritual, physical fitness, short term and long term goals.  Jane held me accountable for taking action on the items that I said were of importance to me for my growth and development. Although I am a driven person with an 'A' type personality, Jane was able to help me laser focus on a few things that were hindering me from being at optimal performance.  If you are interested in maximizing your potential while unleashing your inner passion Coach J is an absolute must.

— Kareim R. Cade
President, CEO
Great Lakes Benefit Group

Southfield, Michigan
Are you ready to discover your authentic leadership style?
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